Давай просто будем. Не надо обещаний. Не надо ожидать невозможного. Ты будешь у меня, а я - у тебя. Давай просто будем друг у друга. Молча. Тихо. И по-настоящему.
Let's just be. No promises. Do not expect the impossible. You will have me, I-you. Come on just going from one another. Silently. Quietly. And for real.
Let's just going. Do not need promises. One should not expect the impossible. You will be with me, and I - you. Let's just going to each other. Silently. Quiet. And for real.
Let's simply will. Do not promises. Do not expect impossible. Thou shalt ask of me, and I in you. Let's simply will be from each other. Silently. Quietly. And in the present.