Is John Lewis the best company i n Britain to work for?by Jon HenleyIt is owned by its employees - or partners 20- who have a say in how it is run andreceive a share of the projlts. Surelvthis is the way every organis{//ionby someone who really knows whatthey ' re t a l k i n g about a n d , mostunusually of all. is eager to help.U n l ike other high-street names,5 should be ntn? John Lewis is owned by its's just before opening t i me onbonus day at John Lewis and. boy. arcwe excited. Up and down the country,the 69 ,000 people who work for the10 nation's favourite retailer arc gathered,impat ien t . A specially chosen staffmember opens an envelope and readsout a number. Fifteen per cent. It's thepercentage of their salary that eachIS John Lewis employee takes home asthat year's bonus.25 each of whom has a say in its runningand a share i n its profits. This isBritain's largest example of workerco-owners h i p . Its purpose is ''thehappiness of all its members. through30 t h e i r wort h w h i l e and s a t i s fy i ngemployment in a successful business''.''11 's a good company to work for."says Pedro. a Waitrose* chef. "I didn't o
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