AFor treatment of AKVIS plugins in the full drug is not currently found. However, there Retrial, which resets the counter products AKVIS at the beginning of the trial period the use of the programs (10 days). Ie at the end of the trial period (better a little earlier) you need to run the file Retrial.exe, who will reset the counter.
But lately, many people are having problems using the drug - either not working or not working properly (eg Win7, Vista) . In this case, the program will help Registry Trash Keys Finder, which is included in the archive. In the folder of the program is detailed instructions on working with her, and I will give a couple of tips users AKVIS, facing You can reset the counter trial for 10 days, even if the days of trial are over. for Vista, 7: 1 Download the latest version of Registry Trash Keys Finder and extract 2 Run as administrator file TrashReg.exe (right-click on the file name -> " Run as administrator ") 3 After scanning, remove all rows in the upper window of the Del 4 Try to run the plugin if everything is OK then use, if not then paragraph 5 5 Run the file by double-clicking TrashReg.exe (not an administrator), and the same After scanning, remove all rows in the upper window of the Del 6 If you do not work and now we repeat points from 2nd to 5th -zarabotaet 100%, the whole operation takes 30-50 seconds. works with all AKVIS, I tried only that windows 7 download AKVIS Sketch v9, launched, he showed me 10 download trial days, rearrange the numbers on November 16 launched, it showed me that there were 7 download trial days, I ran Registry Trash Keys Finder and remove the key from the 13 and 16 November He showed me again, download trial 10 days, so that everything works, update your version of AKVIS, can you at AKVIS XP installed from a different account? - then go to Windows 7, (7600) Ultimate did so: Start AKVIS Retrial and Registry Trash Keys Finder found the keys, then they removed the need to run Reg Organizer found the keys and any reference to the AKVIS, then they are deleted, restart the AKVIS Retrial and Registry Trash Keys Finder They did not find anything launched AKVIS Sketch 9.0, he writes left 2 days, re-launched AKVIS Retrial and Registry Trash Keys Finder found the keys, then they removed the need to run Reg Organizer found the keys and any reference to the AKVIS then they were removed and restarted the computer without running AKVIS Sketch 9.0. After rebooting launched AKVIS Retrial and Registry Trash Keys Finder I found the keys, then they are removed, and then start all AKVISy turns as an application or as a plug-ins as part of Adobe Photoshop CS3 and Corel PHOTO-PAINT X3 - AKVIS Sketch 9.0, ArtSuite, ArtWork , Coloriage, Enhancer, LightShop, Magnifier, MultiBrush, Noise Buster, he wrote to me again 10 download trial days, so it works! Yes, even with Reg Organizer Be careful not to remove too much, look, he writes in the comments, and then delete the success to you. v. uses the Control Click. Disadvantage: When the window Evaluation need to click anywhere on the desktop is the window Evaluation. Everyone chooses what he wants. After starting the utility, an icon appears in the notification area to complete the work: LMB or RMB on the icon and select Exit You can also pause by Script Paused. To resume, do it again.
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